Semantic Surplus

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Location: Makati City, Philippines

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Chain Reaction

It is a mystery why people hurt people. We are creatures of the same form and of the same composition. We hurt each other by a mere word, an action, intentionally or unintentionally.

Circumstances happen extemporaneously, thinning and almost losing out of our control. People react and stimulate others. A single somatokinetic creates a chain reaction, rivering to from one to the other and all happens like a pendulum... it never stops.

Physics, chemistry and other physical sciences may explain how things happend, why, when... but a mere habit that is consciously or unconsciously repeated from time to time cant be precisely explained with perfection. One blink of an eye is a complex process. People from all different disciplines and interests, politics or religion, may give scientification but all of these are just a parcel of the reality of the blinking of an eye. That is why quality is never measured as mathematical as quantity. Explicit as to implicit. Overt as to covert.

Uncertainties may bring conflicts. That is why harmony is never achievable. The nature-nurture brings about perplexities towards each individual. These partial realities hold possible truth about existence. Somehow, somwhere living is a superhuman challenge. Intervening the idea of peace, it is a surmise of an immemorial disillusion and love being bounded with ramified intricacy.

Simple logic: a thinker as the stubborn and the feeler as the comprimising. The impulse of opposition is hurting symbiotic equilibrium.

Mysteries happen everyday. Human acts depict them. Let us be a feeler and pay some sensitivity. Empathy and selflessness, everything will be rewarded, it it always a chain reaction.